Italy '19 Notes: SIESTA'19 and more

- 1 min

Just wanted to share some good memories from my Italy trip in Summer’19: Termoli, Rome and Florence.


I was in Termoli for SIESTA 2019 (International Summer School on Software Engineering) on September 3-6. There were great presentations on different topics. For more information about SIESTA, visit here.

Termoli is a small town on the South Adriatic coast of Italy, in the province of Campobasso. The city is famous for its beaches. Here are some photos from Termoli:

From the beach:

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From the city:

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There isn’t much to say about Rome. Each part of the city has its own wonders.

Il Vittoriano

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Piazza della Repubblica

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Imperial Forum

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From the one day trip to Florence:

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Emre Doğan
September 25, 2019